Land Rover Defender

Land Rover Defender

TIBUS portals available for all types of Land Rover Defender

Are you interested?
We want you to be completely satisfied. With us you will not get any products “off the shelf”.
To equip your Land Rover Defender with TIBUS Bolt-on portals is rather complex and we want to advice and discuss to find out what ever is the best solution for your needs.

Let us know your expectations and we will provide you with a detailed offer which is perfectly adapted to your requirements. We look forward to your project.


TIBUS Bolt-on portals

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The TIBUS portal system is bolted to the existing axles of your Land Rover. Portals will provide a tremendous ground clearance for your vehicle.

Further Information

TIBUS Bolt-on portals

Please contact us or call us:
(888) 674-7970